
In early 2023, I started receiving ads from T-Mobile Home Internet announcing their service availability in my area. Initially skeptical, given my disappointing experiences with T-Mobile and Sprint services in the past, I was intrigued by their $50/month price tag. At the time, Spectrum was char...

I've been using Home Assistant for a little over a year. I started off small, installing Home Assistant and connecting devices that were already compatible. These included devices such as smart speakers, my printer, router, and Roku. Eventually, I added WiFi light bulbs and then purchased a Zigbe...

Since April 2021, my monthly wireless bill has remained constant at $35. Until January of this year, I was a customer of Cricket Wireless, a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) and subsidiary of AT&T. Always on the lookout for ways to trim expenses or find a comparable plan with better servic...